

Very Positive Inspection Report for School's Out After School Care Club at Eastern Primary School

The School's Out After School Care Club at Eastern Primary School have recently received a very positive Care Service Inspection Report following an unannounced inspection in November.

The Inspector's report rated the Club as 'Good' across the board:

  • Quality of Care and Support - Grade 4 - Good
  • Quality of Environment - Grade 4 - Good
  • Quality of Staffing - Grade 4 - Good
  • Quality of Management and Leadership - Grade 4 - Good
The report summarises the strengths and areas for improvement in the School's Out After School Care Club as follows:

What the service does well
This is a well run, we resourced club which gives children a variety of activities to choose form and lets them play in a safe and caring environment.

What the service could do better
Records on children need to be kept fully up-to-date and the club would benefit from more attention to fire drills.

In the course of the inspection, this is what children and parents/carers had to say about the service:

Six young people were spoken with in a group on the day of inspection. They were all positive about the club and commented the following:-
  • The snack was good and they always got fruit.
  • They enjoyed and could choose the activities they got involved in.
  • The staff were friendly and did not shout at them.
Three Care service questionnaires were returned to the Inspectorate but parents of children using the service and one parent was interviewed on the day of inspection. Views expressed were overwhelmingly positive.
Here are some of the written comments:-
  • I appreciated the time staff have taken to resolve an issue my daughter was having at the club.
  • Staff are friendly and helpful.
  • My children enjoy attending schools out.
This is a very positive and reassuring report for parents and carers who use this service for their children.

Read the full School's Out most recent Inspection Report